
Old America Company, which operated in the early 1900’s was located at 46 Park Street, Framingham, Massachusetts, USA.

Sign to the left reads “The Nutting Building” at location of former Old America Company, 46 Park Street, Framingham, MA, (photo ©2019 Google)

The Park Street building was often referred to as “The Nutting Building” or “the Nutting Workshop” and produced many items ranging from photographic prints and books to picture frames and furniture.

Like Dennison Manufacturing Company and many other manufacturers of the early 1900’s, the Old America Company employed a cottage industry of Framingham area residents performing “piece work” finishing factory made items at home.

While some chose to “string tags” for Dennison, other were “colorists” who colorized (hand-tinted) Nutting’s black & white photos and returned them to Old America Company where they were trimmed, framed and made ready for sale.